Kurasoberina: PRIMER: HD Skin for All Ages (Baby-Elder) If you run into an issue please let me know! Otherwise, enjoy!! I have tested them pretty extensively, however with the number of skins, it is possible that I could have missed something (there is a SMALL seam under one of the female arms but that is really the only noticeable issue I’ve come across). Models in the previews use Bloom’s Sexy Feet and S-Club’s Eyelashes, but otherwise have no make up on.Įphemera, Navetsea, Kurasoberina, Tifa, BrntWaffles, and Myself.I don’t know if there will be much difference if you don’t, sorry! The male bodies are pre-packaged with with Buhudain’s You Are Real Male body (as they use Ephemera’s chest placement, so it is almost necessary for you to have these.

They are clearly labelled, and the font colour is the shade of the preview in the CAS dropdown ( EA is indicated by green), so they are all super easy to pick and choose. You can have all, you can have one, and you can also have just the EA ramps. Here is a preview (dumb names based on sugary treats is a tradition okay): There are a total of 12 tones, split up into four different packs. A new skin!! Similar to Cake Face, but a little smoother and more defined eyelids.